The CVC invests in early-stage startups, throughout France, Europe and even beyond. As seed specialists, we support responsible founders with ambitious game-changing projects. Our role? We team up with entrepreneurs and support them to create, get started, take risks, create value and reach the first decisive milestones.

Nom | Name *

Nom de votre entreprise | Name of your company *

Email *

Site internet | Website

Date de création | Founding date *

Localisation de l'entreprise | Location of the company *


Secteur | Sector *


Courte description de votre entreprise & quelques KPIs | Short description of the company's activity and KPIs (max 500 characters ) *

CA de la dernière année | Revenue last year *


Business Model (B2B, B2C ...) *

Business marketing

Montant de la levée de fonds | Amount of the fundraising round *


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